Paint your Failures in Green
Almost everyone grew up with a school of thought which makes us fear and dread failure. The system makes us see failure as something to avoid and we never think that it’s okay to try and fail.
The increase in world population makes competition the natural order and limited opportunities are most times competed for by tons of qualified individuals, leaving a group of people celebrating and another group feeling dejected and inadequate.
If “dejected and inadequate” is how you feel after every rejection you get, then you’re the target audience for this article.
And then there’s another group that hasn’t been mentioned and that’s the group of people that don’t even attempt because they’re scared of getting rejected or failing.
Refreshing your email while waiting for a particular mail is an extreme sport and I’m sure you can relate to this. Don’t know which hurts most; getting a rejection mail or not getting a feedback at all.
What happens after every rejection mail? The average person might want to quit and just stop applying, you might feel so demoralized and not want to complete the other applications you were even working on. It’s normal to feel this way but it’s not best to.
Trust me, no matter the amount of rejection letters you get, you never get used to them and there’s a not so good feeling that accompanies each one of them.
PERSPECTIVE is the key word while dealing with rejection and failure, only you can decide to change how you view failure and rejection whenever you get one.
Don’t give anything less than your best when applying and always stay optimistic while waiting, but most importantly ensure you prepare your mind to learn from whatever result you get.
The moment you start viewing rejections and turndowns as factors that contribute to your personal development, you begin to see a win-win situation anytime you apply. Either you get selected or not it’s a congratulations for you.
Building a perspective such as this takes time and it also comes after getting a handful of rejections. But how do you get a handful of rejections without applying and putting effort.
It’s easy to admire people that are getting the opportunities you wish to get but what you don’t ask is the sacrifices they’ve paid and the amount of rejections and turndowns they’ve had to deal with. If they had stopped, you won’t have them to admire now.
Green signifies growth and progress, failing is an indication that you’re planting and you’re putting effort. You can only refresh your mail in expectation if you’ve applied.
Don’t stop developing yourself and don’t remain idle during your phase of rejections, keep growing because you’ll surely tell your process and success story someday.